In Part 1 of this series, we took a deep dive into exploring the preferences of people in the American Midwest and South. Now, let’s look at two regions that get a lot of hype (and rightfully so!) . . . The East and the West.
Each of these regions contain massive amounts of people and span across massive acreage. When speaking of the Eastern portion of the U.S., we’ll drill down into what makes effective email subject lines when targeting people who live in New England and the Mid-Atlantic, from Maine to Maryland. As we discuss what makes great email subject lines for the West, we’ll cover content preferences for people in the Rockies and the West Coast, from Colorado to California.
Below, we’ll show you how to select between four regionally-focused audiences in Backstroke’s email subject line generator. We’ll also go through personal preferences between Easterners and Westerners, and share examples of great email subject lines for both sets of people.
How to Add a Regional Audience in Backstroke’s Email Subject Line Generator
To get started visit On the homepage, you’ll see our email subject line generator and you can customize its outputs right away. When generating the best email subjects based on geographic location, click the Add Audience button on the right. Filters will appear.

Click the Add Audience button to get started.
This Audience filters panel will display on the left side of your screen. From there, select the region for whom you want to generate email subject lines. Make your selection, click, apply, and your settings will be saved.

Select your regional audience to make your AI subject lines more specific.
Now that you’ve selected your settings in the email subject line creator, let’s dive into the fun stuff: personalizing content!
Catchy Email Subject Lines for the East
Time is money. Make it snappy. Go, go, go. The Eastern region of the United States is famously fast paced and productive. They’re also no-nonsense, with directness and efficiency being highly valued. Even though the country’s largest city is located there, with its progressive and eclectic culture, people on the East Coast tend to favor a sense of tradition . . . or perhaps just doing things their way.
After selecting “East” in your Add Audience Regional filter, pop over to the Attributes filter. From there, the settings we suggest to include are:
- Make the length short. Choose to make the AI subject lines you generate for East Coast folks short and to-the-point. They’ll appreciate that.
- Play around with Personality filters. Make things risky or keep it corporate? You can toggle a whole spectrum of personalities here. This is the most populated region of the country, and there are tons of personalities living here.
- Walk the walk with Social Proof. If you’re running a Win-Back campaign to win the hearts of East Coasters, select the social proof drop-down to show that what you’re promoting is the real deal.

These examples are AI subject lines generated with East Coast efficiency in mind.
Catchy Email Subject Lines for the West
From Colorado to the coast, the American West is huge, spanning half of the country’s land mass. Somewhat opposite to the East Coast, people in the West tend to be more laid-back, relaxed, and casual. Another way they differentiate themselves from those out East? They’re typically not direct, and some may say passive aggressive, when it comes to communication. I We But all the creativity that spans across these populations provides opportunities to craft perhaps the most fun, flowery, and catchy email subject lines of all.
After selecting “West” in your Add Audience Regional filter, pop over to the Attributes filter. From there, the settings we suggest to include are:
- Bring out your Personality. Slide the Risk and Brand Voice toggles all the way to the right! People out West tend to be more casual, so feel free to experiment here.
- Make things Personal, too. With several tech hubs out on the West Coast, you’ll need to send something special to stand out in inboxes that are often flooded. Learn how to personalize your AI subject lines here.
- Feel free to go long. Directness is not needed, so experiment with the Length filter. Longer subject lines are a-ok to send to West Coast audiences.

Cool, casual, and fun these AI subject lines were generated with the West Coast in mind.
Want to generate your own catchy email subject lines? Get started with Backstroke’s email subject line creator for free.
Hundreds of customization options mean that our email subject line generator will create engaging content for whomever—or wherever—you’re sending!