Backstroke Sandbox • Subject Line Generator

Generate great subject lines

Every email marketer needs a great subject line to engage and convert subscribers. Get started creating engaging subject lines.

Like one of these? Drop it into your next campaign. Or use the filters to adjust to your taste.

Backstroke is powered by insights and performance data from 10,000+ B2C brands. Auto-magically create email, SMS, and push campaigns that perform at least 31% better.

Dive headfirst into more revenue

More Tools in the Sandbox:

Free AI Email Tools from Backstroke

Use our free AI tools to write, analyze, and optimize your way to email, text, and push heroics. See what other toys we have in the box — just try to keep the sand out of your pants.

Subject Line Generator

Plug in your campaign type and kick your sandals off while SLG writes predicted-to-perform copy before eyes.

Trends Lite

What emoji was trending last week? Which subject lines were overused in your industry? Find this and more in a free version of our enterprise trends product.

Paste Your Body

Drop in your body copy and let Paste Your Body draft the perfect subject line and preheader combo. Don't let the name fool you, this free tool is no joke.

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