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Holiday Email Marketing: How to Generate the Best Email Subjects for Any Season

Sep 8, 2024

Don’t freak out . . . but email marketing’s biggest opportunity is on the horizon. Of course, you know the holidays are coming, and you’re likely looking for ways to enhance your personalized email marketing strategy. That’s why you're here, right?!

Holiday email marketing is ripe with opportunities! And consumers’ inboxes are the best place to drive engagement and sales. After all, seasonal emails tend to see higher engagement compared to regular promotional emails:

  • Nearly 68% of shoppers pay increased attention to holiday emails or seasonal emails from companies, especially during the Christmas season.
  • Email marketing accounted for 20% of holiday website visits.
  • Personalized emails drive 6x higher transaction rates . . .
  • And yet only 30% of businesses take advantage of the benefits email personalization can bring.

While there are many golden opportunities to personalize email content, the subject lines you send are perhaps the most critical piece of copy to get right. Not only do they make the first impression of your email’s contents to subscribers, but they’re getting even more critical to get right as iOS 18 is set to revolutionize how 55% of American consumers interact with their inboxes. 

The good news is that data can help us predict exactly how to craft personalized email subject lines for any audience segment or timely event. Here, we’ll run through how Backstroke’s email subject line generator uses real-time data to help email marketers nail timeliness, seasonality, and holiday email marketing campaigns in Q4 and beyond!

Apply Seasonal Marketing Filter in Backstroke’s Email Subject Line Generator

You can customize the seasonal marketing focus of your AI messages to reflect timeliness when using the email subject line generator. To do this, go into Backstroke’s email subject line creator. After clicking the Adjust Tone button, you can apply the Seasonal filter. From there, users can then create effective email subject lines that are totally timely and seasonally themed!

The seasonality filter in Backstroke's email subject line generator

Here, you can see a few email subject examples that were generated by Backstroke. All have different promotion types, industry settings, and audience filters applied so each of these AI messages are personalized for peak performance.

email subject examples optimized for the fall season

While these examples show off Fall-themed AI messages, Backstroke generates great email subject lines for any season! And beyond this example focused on seasonality, you can customize the timing of your campaign over the course of a month. This ensures the email subject line generator crafts content that’s predicted to perform for the exact date range in which you plan to send!

Customize Campaign Timing in Backstroke’s Email Subject Line Generator

There are a couple of ways to customize campaign timing when using Backstroke’s email subject line creator. You can create timely messaging with your selections in the Campaign and Promotion drop-downs. For example, let’s say your email campaign is promoting a limited time sale. Once this is selected, your AI messages will contain language that communicates how limited your promotion really is. 

customize send timing in Backstroke's email subject line generator

Additionally, you can select between three options in the Timing drop-down. Here, you can choose whether your email will be sent this week, next week, or within this month. Based on what you select from this drop-down, Backstroke will generate the most effective email subject lines that are set to perform for the timeframe you have in mind. 

example subject lines for emails that are customized for timing

Use the Email Subject Line Generator to Optimize for Mobile Shoppers

People are expected to use their phones for holiday shopping more than ever before, with 60% of American adults stating that mobile shopping is a necessity for them. However, marketers need to prioritize the mobile experience, in order to make the most of consumers’ willingness to shop on their smartphones. 

42.3% of shoppers delete emails that aren’t optimized for mobile devices. Of course, there are ways to optimize content within an email, but without a mobile-optimized subject line, consumers won’t ever open your work. In Backstroke’s email subject line generator, you can select which devices your subscribers own—iPhones or Androids—in order to generate content that’s optimized for each. 

how to customize mobile device selection in Backstoke's email subject line generator

After making selections within the generator, it’ll output the best email subject lines for each device. A few examples of these are below . . .

examples of email subjects optimized for mobile devices in Backstroke's email subject line creator

If you’d like to learn more about how to personalize email content for mobile, check out our guide “iPhone vs. Android: What Makes Their Best Email Subjects?” And if you’re particularly concerned about the massive changes coming with iOS 18, you can check out our “Understanding the Core of iOS 18” guide to prepare for Apple Mail’s changes as well. 

Of course, if you want to dive right into generating the best email subjects for your holiday email marketing campaigns, perhaps the best place to start is with our email subject line generator itself. A lite version of the tool is available for free now. 

Give it a try and get started on crafting your best-ever holiday emails and seasonal campaigns!

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